# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
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Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: ah, thank you
2006-01-24 [Lust]: ^
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: I'll be back. Forge, I'll talk to you bout getting a blade when I do.
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: alright, ill be right here
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Oh yeah, the few I gave the pass word to, dont abuse it.
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: I still have quite the large stock of firearms if any yall need some
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: dont worry, im not one to let power go to my head *Grins*
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: What about auto shotguns Matt?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: I mean it, I will beat you if you abuse it.
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: oo...let me check *heads to back again*
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Well....All I got right now in the way of shotguns is this ----> http://www.ben
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: but I can get a SPAS 12 --->
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: who wants to take out the dell corporation so i dont have to go back to work again?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: o.O
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: *Raises his hand* yo!
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Let us not get cought!
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: Back in a flash, so who do i get to kill?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: o.O
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: I'd take the benelli for now.
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: wait...has the weapon dude always been there?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Who? Wha?
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: This guy: [Dead_Alewives] - Weapon Dude
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: i dont remember him bieng there before
2006-01-24 [Lust]: He was, LONG time ago, I dont know what up with him. You can message him asking if he wanst to be on or not.
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: Alrighty then, ill get right on that
2006-01-24 [bloodmut]: hey people I am the new male stripper you want some action just make a comment no guys please
2006-01-24 [Lust]: *nods* And you can surch for new people. Always need new people!
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: mut, ill have to pass because im not gay, but good luck with that, and don, i may have someone in mind...
2006-01-24 [bloodmut]: i think i can find some more to help
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: if you dont mind, i fixed a few typos
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Ohh! People help yes! As long as I get along with them! And thank you, I'm full of mistakes.
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: No problem, all i did was correct spelling and a punctuation error
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: oh, and can i take my position off of the list for open jobs?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Oh, lmao! Yeah. If I made a mistake yeah.
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: okay then
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Or even just take the head off.
2006-01-24 [bloodmut]: i am kinda intimadated by the dons personal stripper but i will try my best to make anyone happy
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: *Polishes his sword* just dont give me a lapdance or ill find a creative new sheath for this...
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Erm.. He's my boy friend..
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: *Curses under his breath* hoping i might get to kill someine for a second there...
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: oh, i see...
2006-01-24 [Lust]: .... Yes?
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: nothjing, just thinking out loud
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: hey is there an assasin i need someone to take out my boss
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: I believe the head assassin may be in
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: i want his ass killed he's fucking with my metrics first they are too high now they are too low wtf does he want that motherfucker
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: Im sorry, i was wrong, all of the assassins are signed out
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: fuck that blows fucking monkey dick
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Umm... I'm kinda your boss now.. *blinks slowly*
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: I think he means his exboss.
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: well not you the boss at dell
2006-01-24 [bloodmut]: any women want to have fun?
2006-01-24 [bloodmut]: since no one seems to need me, I'm done for the night, thank you and goodnight
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: wtf im i suppose to bounce i want to fight.....
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: *sips his whiskey and looks around for those nice cuban cigars*
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: who can i fight?
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: If youll excuse me im leaving for the night
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: ~ciao~ Fog
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: *lights up another cigar* I'm not sure Rage, I'm not in the mood tonight.
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: fuck im like ready to fight and i cant fight anyone here or i would lose the job i love so much..........
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Uhh, what job is that?
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: i work for the dell computer corporation repairing computers while on the phone with people and it fucking sucks
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Sounds like it.
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: oh yeah try it for a day and tell me what you think i mean it pays 20 an hour but damn it sucks
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: No thank you, I already have a job.
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: what do you do?
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: OOC? I'm a firefighter.
2006-01-24 [Lust]: I'm a life guard! I gedda wear a skimpy bathing suit!
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Oooo... lemme see.
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Um, I dont have pictures..
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Well, fine, I don't really need to see anyway, your a taken lady.
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: see i go to smoke and i miss the good stuff....
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: *laughs* You missed naught at all.
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: oh ok......making sure
2006-01-24 [Jentianrysk]: I wanna kill people too, I'm good at it. I was a scout sniper in the USMC, ask rage
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Hah! My perv family! What to do with you all?
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: what do you mean?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Heh nuttin.
2006-01-24 [the_puetzj]: hey pimp i might be interested in a little something for intimidation purposes what have you got for that
2006-01-24 [Lust]: o.O
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Hey [Fion Faolan], Those revolvers are in, I have 4, well 3 actually, Im keeping one for myself...so let me know. And as for you Mr.Puetz, What did you have in mind exactly?
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Alright I'll take two. That should do me well enough.
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: *sets 2 on the table* Were you still wondering about those shotguns?
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: *puts them in his tactical bag* I'll take three of the Benellis. And I'll buy one of the SPAS 12s when they come in.
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Well I got one Benelli right now, 1 more should be here today
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: The SPAS 12's should also be here today *black sedan pulls up in front of the building*
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: *walks towards door and the car pulls away* hmmph, I see how it is
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: hello everyone, i cant stay long because im in class, just wanted to heck in on everyone
2006-01-24 [Kaze]: O.O are you guys referring to real weapons... or only "mafia" weapons. Becase as far as weapons go, I have 2 Uzi's, a shot gun (pump action) a pistol, a (broken) Beretta, M9 Dolphin, and a fully automatic M4-SR16 Combine Assault Rifle. =D Dig the capitalization
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: no, not real weapons
2006-01-24 [Kaze]: dang.. V__V no one ever wants me to shoot shtuff..
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: a broken Beretta huh? whats wrong with it?
2006-01-24 [Kaze]: *laughs* It doesn't shoot..! Nah part of the assembly for where the chamber attatches to the handle, it won't reassemble properly for some reason.. don't really know why <.<;;
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: hmm..that sucks
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Gunsmith.
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Oi, sometimes I wonder what you guys do on your spare time..!
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: haha..if only you knew
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Let us all keep that to our selfs unless needing to share.
2006-01-24 [Kaze]: I shoot my friends, and my brother's chickens with assault rifles. :3
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Spare time?
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: ive got plenty of spare time at the moment, im on study hall
2006-01-24 [MallowROTC]: who do i talk to about orderin a weapon
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Well, I have quite the stock in the back, what are you looking for?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Let the mafia grow, LIVE!
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: What the heck is spare time?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: oi... Time that is spare?
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: like a spare tire?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: *shrugs*
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Never heard of it.
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Poor you
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Poor? Why, I have plenty of money.
2006-01-24 [Lust]: GIMME!
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Give you what??
2006-01-25 [Lust]: Money!
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: *takes out a roll* How much do you need?
2006-01-25 [MallowROTC]: well i'm lookin for a springfield .50 or a modifiable M-4, i could live with a m-9 berreta tho
2006-01-25 [Lust]: As much as you wanna give!
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: *counts out three grand in $500 bills* That enough?
2006-01-25 [Frosty French Fry]: wait, Springfield makes a .50????
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: Yeah, for defoiliating forests. As well as depopulating them.
2006-01-25 [Frosty French Fry]: Could someone show me one, I didnt know that
2006-01-25 [Lust]: *takes* that will do!
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: I don't have a picture. But they are actually fairly common.
2006-01-25 [Frosty French Fry]: hmm, well I will try and find one, I can get an M4 pretty easily
2006-01-25 [Frosty French Fry]: the beretta should be easy too
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: *shudders at the mention of the beretta*
2006-01-25 [Frosty French Fry]: ???
2006-01-25 [MallowROTC]: a springfield .50 cal is a military made sniper rifle that will rip of the head of a target, very gruesome pics if you ever want to see the devestation
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: Is that the recoiless rifle?
2006-01-25 [Frosty French Fry]: Why did we shudder at the Beretta
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: My friend had his ear ripped off by a defective beretta.
2006-01-25 [Frosty French Fry]: ohhhhh, I see
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: Probably just a freak occurence.
2006-01-25 [Lust]: *counts her money and plans to re decorate the mafia home*
2006-01-25 [Frosty French Fry]: greeeaaat
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: Will pink be involved?
2006-01-25 [Lust]: HEY! I want the walls black with red sweerrllyyys O.O I like it! And navy blue funiture! But the carpet will be a dark purple! Dont worry you shall get use to it! *Plans*
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: *returns to drinking his Baileys, and concentrates on blowing smoke rings*
2006-01-25 [Lust]: *mesures things, grining and writing stuff down in a planer* Ohh Ahh!
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: *pours another glass of irish creme*
2006-01-25 [Lust]: *Mesures FF * wait... You dont need anything new, wait... your pants are ugly! New pants! *Goes back to her work!* oi! How about red AND blue twerlls!
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: Oo kay... *looks at his brand new black Propper cargo pants*
2006-01-25 [Lust]: Now thats more like it! *slaps his ass* You tiger you!
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: Ummm.. I always wear these, I've been wearing these since I got here.. *arches his eyebrow and looks at his ass*
2006-01-25 [Lust]: Oi? *Looks at him* Yeah I knew that!
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: Oooo kay...
2006-01-25 [Lust]: You can stop looking at your ass now, it isnt THAT good =P
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: *looks at you pointedly* Sometimes you make no sense..
2006-01-25 [Lust]: Um, better statment, when DO I make sense?
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: hello everyone, have i missed anything important?
2006-01-25 [Frosty French Fry]: Hey BOSS! Where are we located at?!?? Chi-Town?, Miami?, or somewhere else??
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: I assume you are speaking to the don?
2006-01-25 [Frosty French Fry]: Yes sir I am
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: I dont believe she is here at the moment
2006-01-25 [Frosty French Fry]: I know..but she will read it when she is
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: ah, i suppose that is true
2006-01-25 [Frosty French Fry]: yep
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: *Sits down and polishes his sword*
2006-01-25 [Lust]: Um, I have no clue... *shrugs* Where every you all decide on
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: Miami?
2006-01-25 [Lust]: *shurgs* Sure what ever
2006-01-25 [Fion Faolan]: Ok, I'll ask matt if he's cool with it.
2006-01-25 [Lust]: *shrugs* Make my day
2006-01-25 [the_puetzj]: sorry i guess once a day isnt often enough to get on here but matt i am thinking maybe like a glock 18?
2006-01-25 [Frosty French Fry]: Ohhh, good choice, Lemme see what I can do
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: Hello everyone, any new business to attend to?
2006-01-25 [Lust]: *glares*
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: Is there a problem?
2006-01-25 [Lust]: Of course not.
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: oh, alright then *sits down and drinks from his flask* so whats going on in here today?
2006-01-25 [Lust]: Waiting for two to get back.
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: Who would they be? i dont have mush time myself, im on study hall right now
2006-01-25 [Lust]: You should be studying then O.o
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: for what? im done with most of my stuff
2006-01-25 [Lust]: *shrugs* Meh
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: god im bored...*Fling
2006-01-25 [Lust]: ... Your cleaning up any mess you make!
2006-01-25 [Kaze]: *sucks on gun barrel* <.<
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: i know, *Flicks antoher one up there*
2006-01-25 [Lust]: O.O.. Dont get off to the gun!
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: kaze, you are an odd fellow
2006-01-25 [Lust]: He is awesomes!
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: *Flicks another blade in the ceiling*
2006-01-25 [Kaze]: *shoots one down*
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: Smart alec, *Flings another one up there
2006-01-25 [Kaze]: *tilts head* *looks up following the pattern*
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: *Puts four blades between his fingers and flings them up, each one sticking next to another*
2006-01-25 [Kaze]: Oh... is it a smilie face..? *stares at the ceiling*
2006-01-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: yup, i suggest you duck...*Snaps his fingers and all the blades fall to the ground*
2006-01-25 [Kaze]: O__O *holds up a sacrificial duck*
2006-01-25 [Lust]: O.O
2006-01-25 [the_puetzj]: LOL
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Um, tell me when most of you are on. I donated and can put pictures into wikis. I want to talk about a few matters.
2006-01-26 [Lust]: 1) Does some one want to try and design what the mafia and bar looks like, and send me the picture?
2006-01-26 [Lust]: 2) Do we want to have a wiki that shows the pictures of all the members?
2006-01-26 [Lust]: 3) Any ideas on how we can show the mafia to more people and make it more active?
2006-01-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: 1. no comments available. 2. i dont have a pic, 3. perhaps advertisement on the main wiki list
2006-01-26 [Lust]: Where is that
2006-01-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: where the big button labeled wiki takes you
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